Currently looking for new positions!
Check out my CV here & let's chat! 📧 Email or LinkendIn.
My passion is creative problem solving, deconstructing tricky problems and building clean, scalable solutions.
I love working in Figma and XD. Creating interactive prototypes helps stakeholders relate more to end users and promotes imaginative and creative feedback.
I also like to bridge the gap between designers & developers. Often, these teams will have very different directives and targets, which can sometimes make it difficult for Creative to get their work live. I like to help alleviate that through smart working solutions or just helping departments communicate more effectively.
Animation concepts put forward for KSTH Gym & Spa landing page.
An example of a social media brief for Hale Country Club.
Showreel made during my job hunt in 2020.
Facetheory are an emerging vegan skincare company from the UK. They wanted to raise awareness for their new product line through social...
Interim website redesign for TMM.
Wordpress theme and general overhaul of French Toast's website.
Web design and prototyping for Spectrum Studios, a new photography studio opening soon in Manchester.
Instagram Adverts for Gourmet Society's January campaign.
An app explainer video for
A compilation of social media videos created for The Dining Club group.
Branding, site & event poster for a new event in manchester, Cork & Canvas.
Web development project for Missguided.
A quick compilation of some of my video editing, titling and post production work I produced whilst at Missguided.
Some digital illustrations from around 2015 while I was studying at Uni.
Some artwork from over the years, using different mediums and experimenting.
A small brand I ran from around 2012 - 2015.
Chopping up books & magazines.